Sabtu, 05 Agustus 2017


Akhir tahun 2016, ketika masih PPL, my friend -Awe- sent pengumuman sebuah lomba. Iya, nama lombanya 9th Malaysia Debate Open 2017. Di Malaysia? Yaa begitulaah.......


................karena ini Asian Parliamentary, jadilah harus 3 org dalam 1 tim. Then we chose Joni as our team. We have bit controversial issues about who gonna be N1. But at the end, we went as URANIUM Team.


........Again, dgn bantuan KUI (Kantor Urusan Int'l) - with the efforts yg cukup kita bertiga dan Allah yang tau - kita orang bisa berangkat. Klo ditotal jadinya sekitar... 10 juta uang yang kita butuhkan buat bisa menghadiri acara ini. Berikut rinciannya.

Registration Fee : 300 USD (sekitar Rp 4.050.000)
Tiket PP KL-PKU : 1.075.000/orang (jadi klo 3 orang = 3.225.000)
Tambah lagi akomodasi tambahan sebelum dan setelah acara (25 USD/ org = Rp 1.000.000/3 orang)
Klo uang jajan sendiri, sebenarnya uang 700k udh bisa bgt survive (makan malam, jajan, dan beli oleh2). 

DAY 1. PKU-KL-MELAKA brooo..

Jadi ceritanya cekrek2 doeloe di Int'l Airport Sultan Syarif Kasim II-PKU

Nyampee daah di KLIA 2

Ambil koper 

Gue pengen jalan2 ke Luar Negeri terus :)

Yo wis. Sampai di bandara, kita langsung cus ke tempat yang dijanjikan ada panitia disana. Eh taunya nobody over there, di Uncle K gtu. Eta terangkanlaah~~~

Karena ngga punya nomor Malaysia, jd saya teh tanya sama resepsionis di bandara itu. "Sasya nak telpon panitia" (yang aslinya saya pke bahasa Melayu campur bahasa Indonesia yang tak terdeteksi di Kamus Oxford -_-)..............Lama bgt dan akhirnya itu mbak2 paham dan bilang "Ke lantai 2 aja, disana bisa free call". 

Yap, kita naik ke lantai atas dan.. gue inget fotonya bang Agri (Thanks bgt bang) yang ngasih tau kalo beli kartu dsitu murah beuud. Jadilah gue beli brp giga gitu cuma 20 ringgit kalo ngga salah. Then I call Benjamin, panitia MDO. Pas itu gue sadar klo gue kayaknya rada budeg. Apa yg diomongin org di telpon ngga masuk ke otak gue. Terus jadilah tiap ada yg nelpon di Malaysia, Joni yang angkat telponnya. Lucky, kita lagsung disuruh cus ke bus sama oom2 yang namanya Kunal. 

Cus dari KLIA 2 langsung ke Melaka. Malacca, I'm Coming!!!

Alhamdulillah nyampe di Melaka untuk..... INT'L DEBATE COMPETITION!
Iniii hotelnya. Empreror Hotel Malacca. Gila, tinggi bgt, Aryaduta, Pangeran, Premiere, kalah sama ini hotel. 

Pas masuk kamar, dah bingung gue roommate gue manaa ya? 
Ya ampun, roommate gue kayaknya girlie bgt deh :( :))

This is Malacca view.... beautiful!
Gue laper banget dan makan di resto dpn hotel. Ini sate dijamin halal walaupun satu tempat makan sama sup kodok :

Lah, kok udah disini? Aah... kaki gue pegel bgt pake higheels buat nyari money changer keliling Melaka tau ngga?! Jadii dari sore sampai maghrib keliling buat tukar duit utk byr registration fee. Ditambah dgn insiden hilangnya Awe (dia makan, terus pas kami balik ke resto itu, dia udah ngilang. Belakangan kami tau klo dia ngga sabar nungguin kami *padahal kami hampir mati nyari money changer* dan pas balik ke hotel sedekat itu dia tersesat *berarti teori cowok lebih gampang tau jalan dan arah kayaknya ngga sepenuhnya bener dong ya* hahahaha)
Ini museum loh sbnrnya. 
Yak, pencarian money changer dimulai dari sini (pada waktu itu ku tak tau kalo perjalanan akan sgt melelahkan, bahkan sebelum kompetisi ini dimulai!) 

Dan terus berjalan......

Foto dulu disini ding, di taman.


Di dpn Taming Sari Tower


River Cruise Malacca

Jam Gadang versi Melaka


Perjalanan balik bawa duit ringgit ke hotel. Betapa.... damainyaa

Yak, malam itu... gue benar2... capek tingkat dewa. Untungnya kamar mandi hotel ada air panasnya. Hilang dah pegel2 utk sementara, karena besok... MEDAN JUANG KITA!

To be continued..........

Kamis, 26 Januari 2017



Dear my blog, it’s been a while we have no posting here. Yet I’m super excited now to tell u several great things happened in 2016, then list of targets-must-achieved in this year! Here we go :


Last year, I have never imagined that I can reach lot of achievements, go abroad and traveling in 2 provinces. Last year, I made it! Me, together with Awe and Joni, out of comfort zone and “transform” to be a better one. 


Yeah, I have told u in previous post (u can check it for detail) about Outstanding Student or Mahasiswa Berprestasi. It is an achievement that awarded to the one who (of course) had abundance of achievements. I try to join it (just to prove whether I can be one of Mawapres among thousand students in faculty), made paper 3-hours about “The Use of Whatsapp to Triggers Spirit of Learning English”. It’s simple actually, but with shaky hands while presented it in front of 3 adjudicators in FKIP, plus the list of achievements and GPA 3.37 : I AM THE  3rd OF MAWAPRES FKIP 2016.


It’s my dream :  GO ABROAD. Travelling in Philippines, met new people, experience other country, talk in Tagalog language, taste yummy Philippines’ dessert, felt atmosphere and joy when I’m in upper end  of a boat then sailing three beautiful islands, saw many unique things in Philippines National Museum, and more....

This year, I wanna traveling more, go to many foreign countries, experience great things. Fighting!
In front of Twin Tower, Kuala Lumpur!

Pose with hunger


In bus, otw to Twin Tower, KLCC

stay one night at Haeinsa Condotel, Philippines (500.000 IDR)

Ticket, boarding pass, passport

In front of heritage and culture Malaysian office

This is Global Peace Foundation Philippines Office. Btw, she's Fahly Poblete (the main committee of GPV)

They are from High School in Philippines, they said it took more than an hour to get here

our bus

Yah, bisanya cuma makan ini. Daging? No!

Yak, bihun aja utk dinner

Dinner with the major of Zambales

In Canoe Beach Resort

Our souvenir!

Oops, candid photo. They are Indonesian participant also! Mrs. Rahma, Mr. Huanza and Mrs. Youwen

During seminar

Learn about disaster preparedness

Es tebak. LOL

Roti isi tuna


Pose with hundred of kids in Barangay


certificate! This is what we came for...

LOL. We have know the develop of money in a country

The apartement. 1.000.000 IDR/night.

Traveling by jeepney

In front of Manila Chatedral

I hold map

I can't read the written text up there

Naik delman

In Casa Manila Museum

Mau masuk ke dalam sumur?

Hello? It's me..


Di benteng pertahanan orang Filipina melawan penjajah. Meriam siap menembak!

NM. Nikah Muda. Hahaha..National Museum

Take me with youuu, sailing far awaaay

One of museum room. Like a palace

Potongan Tembok Berlin. I forget the history

Bisa dibawa pulang ngga?

Charles. Let see what happen next in our future..

Me. Shining

It's blur, but it's OK. Here are thousands butterfly

Burung beo

Feel at titanic, stretch my arm



Sumpah enak saosnya.

Di depan icon kota Manila

It's rare, but we found a mosque here!

Naik kapal, visited 3 beautiful islands


I thought about what my future will be. Que sera sera

Hmm... sunset

In upper end of boat

KLIA 2, Bought a novel, ate pretzel

Me with Shasha (Filipino moslem)


National University Debating Championship. A prestigious competition, hot atmosphere with many intellect people and crazy motions! Together with Rizka, we’ve got second champion and I’m a six best speaker of NUDC, level of Universitas Riau. This year, I wanna be First Champion, First Best Speaker of NUDC, then pass the selection in Kopertis X, and compete in National Level. OK. I have to study debate seriously.


It’s fun when u can eat on time, learn to apply a good make up in your face, washing clothes manually, take a bath on rest room of mosque.

But then you realized on how ignorance person you are, how unempathy person you are, how bad you are in social life. It sucks!. It sounds so cliche but believe in me, COMMUNICATION SKILL is important actually. This year, I have to be more sensitive with my surrounding.

We ever take a bath here, lol

Farewell party of KUKERTA

17 Agustusan

Uci's Birthday


What the hell! THIS IS A NIGHTMARE DURING MY 21 YEARS OF MY LIFE. I never go to consul with my lecturer consultant of PPL because I ever caught by her to do something bad. Hahaha.. then she mad. I almost have no opportunity to do PPL exam. I went to her house at 9 pm, she mad again. I went there in the morning, she mad again. At school, fortunately she want to exam, observe me. But how bit** my pamong teacher who told her that I am the one who “sering hilang2 di sekolah tanpa pamit”. Shit! We do everything for survive with her! We (Me and Winta) have to be at school 12 hours, start from 7 am until 6 pm everyday! Other PPL student can go home early at 12. Then we have to teach 4 class (me, have to teach also in other school. She actually a snake woman who do not obeyed the job to serve us only in this school. Not other school for her cerfication). Moreover, the atmosphere of her room is similar exactly with hell. Just imagine when a person who never ever ever smile at you, ignore you, angry at you when you go to somewhere else without permit, then many teacher talking about the bad things of other teacher. The worst part in when she gave us unsatisfied score. Damn! She will got bad things for all thing that she have done to us.  It is a hell that I will never ever ever go there anymore! Luckily, my lecture that I met on campus, give her signature to consultant card. And my PPL score is in safe. Yeay!


During KUKERTA, I have planned it with Awe. We paid 200.000 IDR per person  for registration fee. We went by bus to Medan, then I left stuff in Dormitory for Woman. Go to Gelanggang Mahasiswa USU for seminar about UNHCR or WHO, I forget. Then we got yummy snack during seminar on debating. It have explained well by bang Ali, kak Magreta. In the following day, we fight with other 40 teams. Since it is open debate, so no offense if there are contestant who are still in the third year of Junior High School (Then I remind what am I doing when I still in JHS student? I even have no chance to speak up!) up to people who postgraduate students, compete together. Whoooaaaaa.....

4 rounds of preliminary, Then we got into breaking, top 16 in Main Draw Category, end in Semi Final Round. It’s amazing! We compete with bang Triando (have bachelor degree) & Rafi (Double Degree student in UNP and in Medan), bang Ecam (Idk, he might be have bachelor degree and also a great tutor for schools in Medan) & Daniel (JHS student, ever compete in WSDC. Wut?!), People who member of Medan Debaters Forum. We fight giants, master of debating and adjudicated by twin-charming-stunning-adjudicator! Haha..

In fact, as team we have got 12 rank, as individual I’ve got 40th rank, Awe 36th   , Agung 28th , and kak Dwitiya 42th rank among 80 people. LOL.

On Tuesday, we super late to wake up, super fast to go to Hang Nadim Airport-Kualanamu. After driving a grab car, arrived in airport (actually 15 minutes more before our plane take off!! We’re late), but we knew that the travel agent have mistaken in scheduled our flight. Our plane is tomorrow. Awe so upset because he must have PPL examination today If I’m not mistaken (fortunately, we can through PPL happily at the end of the day) . Mi Aceh, Cheap Inn, and Kartu Remi. We cannot forget those things. Tomorrow morning, I bought food souvenir in airport, eat tasty food with free drink! Then back to Pku with warm hug by my mom.

This year, I have to be a winner in national competition!


It is a debate competition in Universitas Negeri Padang(UNP). Jesi as my partner is supeeer nice. We have same genre of music, same hobby in read tons of books, like to watch Korean Drama, also super forgetful person, hahaha.

We stayed in kost2an and hosted by .... (I forget her name, but she is so pretty). We are not breaking just because of badluck (adju don’t fully understand of what we said) in first round of prelim. It is good tho at least we try. It is good also because I have to build up messy things when tomorrow is my PPL examination and my lecturer don’t want to observe me (Ive told you. At night, exactly after I arrived in Pku, I went to her house, searching her house.)

This year, I have to be winner in English Debate Competition in Padang!


English Festival of Economic Community. Together with Nova and Jesi (again), we got 3 VP’s from 3 prelim round. But a the end we’ve got 3rd rank of English Debate in Economy Faculty. It is such an open debate actually, coz SHS compete with Varsity student, hahaha...

In 2017, hope everything better.

1.      I hope I’ve got bachelor degree title this year (Fighting for seminar proposal, seminal hasil, ujian kompre). I don’t want to let my parents down. The UKT is so expensive, I also have sacrificed many things, time, money. Since I wanna study abroad as postgraduate student, I have to FIGHT!

2.     Have 7 score of IELTS test, then winning national competition, go abroad agaaaain. Personal branding in social media, magazine, and newspaper also. And be a great host of SUSKA FM & a great siroh reader of RRI Pro 2 FM.

3.     Be more empathy, sensitive on your surrounding, take initiative, and be a good daughter for your parents.

                    “Do not stop if I’ve got millstone about my neck (jangan berhenti jika saya dapat beban atau rintangan yang tiada hentinya), because it makes me stronger!

                    Do my own business. Focus. Do it by myself. No excuse. Move heaven and earth to reach my targets (Berusaha sekuat tenaga tuk capai impianku). Fighting!”